Author: Rachel

Blog has moved

I haven’t had a chance to update this blog in some time, but have found the community on Medium such a valuable home to collaborate and share thoughts. You can find me at

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Creating libraries for systems change, one pattern at a time

The Design Patterns for Mental Health project recently launched, and it’s a great example of something with the seeds to grow into more of a behavior change for how we design more empathetically in the future with mental well being in mind.  While strictly for digital health, I can see implications for this across the […]

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Reimagine and disempowering the stigma about death

If you had told me a year ago that New York would be hosting a series of events about death, I would have not believed you, and hell now, I would not have attended.  If you think healthcare is a difficult topic for me, or any of us, you can imagine how tough it is […]

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The project blog

  Finally having migrated a bunch of the research on the thesis, now is the time to start that blog.  Anyone who knows me knows I have a love/hate relationship with blogging that’s a complicated story I’ll go into in a future post.  For the time being, this post is a ‘sticky’ to talk about […]

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